Teaching Between the Lines: How Youth Development Organizations Reveal the Hidden Curriculum explores educational inequality by interrogating the "hidden curriculum," the collection of norms, behaviors and knowledge that are rewarded in the American educational system.

The book shows how this curriculum is learned (or not), how it can reinforce and create barriers for underrepresented students, and how these dynamics influence students' sense of belonging and achievement. In particular, Teaching Between the Lines details the role of youth development organizations in teaching, translating, and shaping the hidden curriculum to students who might not otherwise learn it, and unpacking the challenging dynamics that come with this work. Teaching Between the Lines published in August 2021 with New Degree Press.

You can order the book on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Bookshop.org.

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In Teaching Between the Lines, you’ll hear directly from youth development organization administrators and alumni who can speak to how these programs influenced their trajectories. This book will take you from the classroom of a weekend enrichment program in Chicago to family dinners and college workshops at a community organization in San Diego. Readers will travel from the cut throat climate at elite high schools to the intimate partnerships between new college students and their lifeline peer mentors. Throughout, I will let the expertise and lived experiences of those I spoke with lead my exploration and reflection.

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